In-home Care

Get ready to take charge of your own life with in-home care for older people! This includes the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), Home Care Packages (HCP), and Veterans Home Care.

  • Personal Care

    We’re here to help you with everyday tasks, like getting ready for the day, cooking, and eating. We can also support you to move around your home, helping with things like walking aids.

  • Home Modifications

    Home modifications can include big jobs such as bathroom modifications and small jobs such as putting in handrails. Our goal is to make your home a safe place to continue living for as many years as possible.

  • Home and Garden Maintenance

    Our team can assist you to maintain your home and garden, so that you can continue to live comfortably. This includes jobs around the garden such as mowing the lawn, and things in the house to keep it in good living condition.

  • Domestic Assistance

    Taking care of the house can be a lot of work. Whether it’s keeping on top of cleaning the house or managing the washing and ironing we’re here to help make life easier. Our in-home aged care services can also assist with preparing meals and other household tasks that will help you be prepared for the week ahead and reach your goals.

  • Meal Support

    We’re here to support you in reaching your nutritional goals. Our teams will work with you to offer meal options that suit your dietary requirements, including culturally appropriate and vegetarian meals. We can shop according to a list or accompany you shopping. And to make things even easier we can prepare and cook meals in your home.

  • Community Nursing

    Our registered nurses visit you at home to provide support. Registered nurses receive specialised training to assess your needs and perform more complex healthcare tasks, such as wound care, continence education, and dispensing medications.

Your wellbeing and comfort

Senior smiling while receiving in-home care


  • Contact us to enquire or refer someone to this service

  • Download our Home Care Packages (HCP) Fee Schedule

  • Download our Private Customers Fee Schedule

  • Download our Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) Fee Policy

  • Download our Healthy Ageing services brochure

  • Read more about your privacy

  • Read more about your rights and responsibilities

  • Submit compliments, feedback and complaints

  • Find out more about accessing aged care services

  • Visit the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website

Looking for a local service provider?

We know how important it is to find the right support. Our caring and qualified team is here to help. They’ll work with you, your family, and other professionals to provide the support you need.

We are available to deliver in-home are (including domestic assistance, personal care, meal support and respite care) to elderly individuals in all rural and regional towns across NSW.

We are available to deliver in-home care (including domestic assistance, personal care, meal support and respite care) in all rural and regional towns across Queensland.

We are available to deliver in-home care (including domestic assistance, personal care, meal support and respite care) in all rural and regional towns across Victoria.

We are available to deliver in-home are (including domestic assistance, personal care, meal support and respite care) to elderly individuals in Tasmania. 

We are available to deliver in-home care for DVA-funded customers in rural and regional towns across South Australia.

Recommended Services

  • Physiotherapy

    Find out how you can become more active and independent at home, in your community, and at work with support.

  • a lady working on pottery making

    Occupational Therapy

    Live the life you want and enjoy activities with the help of Occupational Therapists who can make things easier at home.

  • Community Support

    Enjoy doing what you love, even when you’re away from home, with personalised support.

  • A Man use community transport to visit friends (NDIS/HCP/CHSCP/Self-funded)

    Community Transport

    Enjoy all your community has to offer with familiar faces ready to drive you right to your door. We can take you to appointments, the shops, or to see friends in your local community.