Partnering with Us

We welcome partnerships that support disadvantaged cohorts and communities to live a good life. Reach out if you’re interested in partnering with us.

Partner with us

The opportunities people have in life vary significantly depending on the circumstances they’re born into. This means the opportunities for people to live a good life are immensely unequal – with many people left to navigate disadvantage and hardship. Our belief is that we can help address this inequity by improving the conditions of daily life (the circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age) for vulnerable and disadvantaged cohorts of people in our communities.

We partner with a range of like-minded individuals and organisations to achieve this vision. If you’re looking for ways to amplify positive impacts in rural and regional communities through a partnership with Kirinari, please get in touch.

Our current partners

Homes Out West

In October 2023, Kirinari and Homes Out West made a joint decision to merge.

Boys to the Bush

We’ve teamed up to make a real difference in the lives of the boys supported through Boys to the Bush.

Interested in partnering with Kirinari?

We believe everyone can have a good life in our community. Where others see challenges, we see opportunity to make a difference with empowering services, funding, and support for the most vulnerable people.

Through corporate partnerships, we aim to sustain and grow our services to make the lives of those we support better.

If you’re aligned to Kirinari’s values and are interested in exploring how we can work together to make a difference in rural and regional communities, please get in touch via the form below.