How Transport Service under NDIS Funding Works

A Man use community transport to visit friends (NDIS/HCP/CHSCP/Self-funded)

Transport assistance is a type of support to help individuals who are unable to travel on their own or use public transportation due to their disability. Its main goal is to help NDIS participants build a better life by providing them with the necessary support to carry out their daily tasks or improve their community participation.

At Kirinari, we offer community transport assistance for eligible NDIS participants under two main sections: Core Supports and Capacity Building Supports. In this article, we’ll help you understand how the transport service works under these two funding sections.

Core Supports

Core funding can be used on support services aimed at helping NDIS participants perform daily living tasks, accomplish long-term goals, or accommodate disability-related needs. Through this funding setup, transport assistance can be accessed through the following Core Supports categories.

Assistance with Daily Life

Transport assistance under this category provides the necessary funding so your support worker can travel from their office to your home. In addition to the time they spend providing daily living support to you, the travel assistance funding covers your support worker’s travel-related expenses, such as parking fees and fuel costs.

Assistance with Social & Community Participation

The mechanics of the travel assistance funding under the Assistance with Social & Community Participation category are a bit similar to those of the Assistance with Daily Life funding. But, instead of compensating your support workers for helping you carry out everyday household tasks, the travel assistance budget under this category is mainly for services aimed at helping you become a more engaged member of your community. 

General Transport

Under the General Transport category, you can use the transport assistance funding in your NDIS plan to cover your expenses when you take taxis or use rideshare services to get to your destination. It’s mainly designed to help you carry out errands around town or visit places such as your doctor’s clinic, the supermarket, or entertainment and leisure venues.

Capacity Building Supports

Unlike Core Supports, which are mainly focused on your daily activities, Capacity Building Supports aim to improve your independence and the skills you need to accomplish your goals.

The categories under this section where transport assistance funding can be used include Improved Daily Living, Improved Health & Wellbeing, Improved Learning, Improved Living Arrangements, Improved Relationships, Increased Social & Community Participation, Finding & Keeping a Job, and Support Coordination.

This funding setup covers the travel-related expenses of NDIS support providers, therapists and/or workers as well as their services that fall within the categories mentioned above.

If you’re an NDIS participant who needs transportation assistance, make sure to get in touch with Kirinari. Our Community Transport service is designed to help you get around with ease and thrive in your community.

We’ll also help you find a ride that’s tailored to your needs and preferences, whether you’re looking for a cosy car or a spacious modified vehicle with wheelchair-access features. Get in touch with us today to learn how you can start living a better and more independent life through our Community Transport service. 

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