Donating to Kirinari

We deeply appreciate our community’s generosity, enabling us to deliver innovative services to vulnerable individuals in regional Australia.

Make a donation

We’re truly grateful for the incredible generosity of our community. Each donation helps create a good life for our neighbours and paves the way for a brighter future for generations to come.

How to give

All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible in Australia. Kirinari is a Registered Charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). You can:

• Provide a one-off donation
• Arrange for a regular ongoing donation.

Your Donation

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Please provide your payment details. We accept Visa and Mastercard.
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Please note: All online payments are processed securely through Square.

If you would prefer to make your donation over the phone or would like to arrange a regular ongoing donation, please call us on 1300 547 462.

If you are a company interested in corporate sponsorship, or a philanthropic trust, we’re ready to talk at any time about ways we might be able to work together, subject to meeting probity and regulation needs. Whether your interest is motivated by personal values, professional objectives (such as Corporate Social Responsibility), or philanthropic goals, please fill out our contact form below.